Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 2 Reading Reflection- Disrupting Class

The expectations of our society and work force demands a literate and skilled work force, however the reality is that our schools are producing semi literate and unskilled adults who have little crticical thinking and problem solving capacities.

I also found that the restructuring of the curriculum and the way its paced for the students in the reading was insipering , The general way its done today even when I attended High School is very  facted based and it tends to be to linear. This makes it difficult for students who may not grasp the concepts right away fall behind.

Along with the restructuring of the subjects and how the levels are paced within the subjects , I enjoyed the idea of having the students engaged in a more voctional plan . I feel that the courses taken in highschool should infact focus on what that individuals plan might be for the future. What we have today is a set of standards that does not recognize the indivual students gifts and talents leaving them behind if they do not fit a mold.

I am curious to see how these implementations in the teaching structure will benefit the students who already are focused and prepared , I wonder if it will hinder their sense of accomplishment for standing out in the previous classroom structure.

While reading I thought to my self this makes good enough sense, why not structure our education to favor the student community as a whole while promoting carreer goals and the paths to them. My question is if we all have been wanting our kids to succeed and be productive citizens , then why havent we changed the way we teach.

I was very interested in the idea of Program Majors in which the students have a direct link to the professions that they are studying to one day work in. This type of preperation for the world after School is vital and I am eager to see how these programs devolop.

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