Thursday, March 11, 2010


Classroom Discipline Plan


1) “Be Present”- When you walk into class, be “there,” be involved, active, and participant learners. Do not be stagnant learners whose body is only physically in class, but that your mind is present as well.
  • Natural Consequence: You will miss out on learning opportunities that will enable you to discover, grow, and become knowledgeable.
2) “Be Respectful”- I expect my students to come into class and be mindful of myself and the other students. They need to respect their peers opinions, personal space, and beliefs. They need to conduct as a unit or community where the respect of others will benefit themselves and the rest of the class.
  • Logical Consequence: If a student is showing disrespect to me or another student I will address it immediately and explain why they are being disrespectful. This will help reinforce the culture of the classroom. If persistent disrespect occurs, then other forms of punishment will be taken, such as a call home, one-on-one conference, detention, etc.
3) “Use appropriate and polite speech and body language”- Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable in my classroom, especially language such as cursing, racial slurs, or homophobic remarks.
  • Logical Consequence: If a student using inappropriate language I will address the situation immediately and explain why we do not use such words in my classroom. This will be a verbal warning to the student. If the language persists, then I will have to conference with the student one-on-one, call home, give dentition, or send them to the office (depending on the offense).
4) “Avoid the use of technological devices unless permitted”- Students will not be allowed to use their cell phones, iPods, or other electronic devices during class time, especially while the teacher is instructing the class. The use of iPods may be used only during independent work time.
  • Logical Consequence: If the use of an electronic device is being used during an inappropriate time, I will confiscate the student’s property and return it to them after class.
5) “Be Responsible”- Students must be accountable and take responsibility for their own learning, such as their actions and class assignments.
  • Natural Consequence: Students might miss out on gaining new knowledge and learning opportunities. Their grades might suffer, and they might not see the benefits of the education at hand. They will not learn how to become independent and mature human beings.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

RR5: Reinventing Schools that Keep Teachers Teaching

This article revolves around the idea that if we want teachers who are smart, caring, alive to students' needs, and are in it for the long haul, we need to consider how to create schools that are themselves centers for the continual learning of everyone connected to them. Thus, it is important for schools to create a positive community among the staff and teachers where there exist good communication and support. The article tells the story about a woman working in an inner cirty school of Chicago, where her an her fellow teachers created a school where students, teachers, and the community grew together. The school focues on lots of netwroking, community involvemnt, connections across the curriculums, professional development, and created a school culture that bounded the students and teacher together. The underlying idea froom this article is that we cannot dare continue to keep kids in schools for so many years, incarcerated if you will, without doing a better job of making our schools places we all love. Places that we can't wait to come to every morning and that we leave, exhausted and pleased with ourselves, every afternoon. Places where long-term experience and wisdom are not dismissed as the bad products of "seniority" rules, but what good societies take seriously. Schools are for the children, but they are also where the young build their images of adulthood. Our schools need to serve the students and the teachers.

During my future teaching years, I believe it is so important to "know the culture and be the culture" of your school. The most effective teaching steems from creating positive communities within a school and the individual classrooms, where students feel that their teachers care about them and their learning. I want to create a mutual respect between my students and myself. To do this, I will have to get to know and understand my students, so that I can best serve their needs. I want my students to know that I have a open door policy where they should feel welcome to come talk to me and ask me questions. I want to be involved in the school community by participating in after-school activities and professional development. I want to become a cooperative team player with my fellow teachers, in which I can learn from and gather new ideas from my collegues. If I can make connections from my content to my students' lives and/or community, then I will be reaching for more long term learning out of my students. The article talked about changing of an entire school, which I know I am not capable of doing. However, I can be actively engaged, have a positive attitude, and  be open to try new things in order to maintain that sense of continious learning and progression.