Thursday, March 11, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan


1) “Be Present”- When you walk into class, be “there,” be involved, active, and participant learners. Do not be stagnant learners whose body is only physically in class, but that your mind is present as well.
  • Natural Consequence: You will miss out on learning opportunities that will enable you to discover, grow, and become knowledgeable.
2) “Be Respectful”- I expect my students to come into class and be mindful of myself and the other students. They need to respect their peers opinions, personal space, and beliefs. They need to conduct as a unit or community where the respect of others will benefit themselves and the rest of the class.
  • Logical Consequence: If a student is showing disrespect to me or another student I will address it immediately and explain why they are being disrespectful. This will help reinforce the culture of the classroom. If persistent disrespect occurs, then other forms of punishment will be taken, such as a call home, one-on-one conference, detention, etc.
3) “Use appropriate and polite speech and body language”- Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable in my classroom, especially language such as cursing, racial slurs, or homophobic remarks.
  • Logical Consequence: If a student using inappropriate language I will address the situation immediately and explain why we do not use such words in my classroom. This will be a verbal warning to the student. If the language persists, then I will have to conference with the student one-on-one, call home, give dentition, or send them to the office (depending on the offense).
4) “Avoid the use of technological devices unless permitted”- Students will not be allowed to use their cell phones, iPods, or other electronic devices during class time, especially while the teacher is instructing the class. The use of iPods may be used only during independent work time.
  • Logical Consequence: If the use of an electronic device is being used during an inappropriate time, I will confiscate the student’s property and return it to them after class.
5) “Be Responsible”- Students must be accountable and take responsibility for their own learning, such as their actions and class assignments.
  • Natural Consequence: Students might miss out on gaining new knowledge and learning opportunities. Their grades might suffer, and they might not see the benefits of the education at hand. They will not learn how to become independent and mature human beings.


  1. "Be present" is a funny one, because my mom always says that to me and my little sister. She says it'e because while we are physically there when she talks to us, our minds are somewhere else. I like it!

  2. I liked the way with your consequences you explained to the student why they were in the wrong. Your rationale is clear and well thought out.

  3. Catherine- I like your 'Be Present' rule. I cannot count how many times I have zoned out in a class, and I can only expect my students to sometimes do the same. However, having a rule like the 'Be Present' rule will allow you to keep emphasizing the importance of active listening to your students, especially those you have for first period! :)

  4. I like your Be responsible rule. I think it is important for the students to learn responsibility early on. I also liked how you included body language as well because a student could easily say that it wasn't "language".

  5. You are very clear with your expectations, and I think this is a great strategy for both you and your students! Go Catherine!

  6. "Be Present." I like that. I wish some of my teachers had that as a rule they enforced. Many of my experiences with being "present" were not very positive. I was able to zone out in any class I wanted. It seemed I was the student that teachers were happy if I sat quietly. Kind of makes me sad to look back and think about. I like it though.
