Thursday, March 11, 2010



  1. Good luck with that student!!! Letting him know that you know that he is there should make a big difference. Will you do anything to help him catch up on what he has missed?

  2. So many teachers forget that students do come first. Reading your paper it is refreshing that you are their for the students. I hope you reach the math student that you discussed.

  3. I completely agree that students come first in teaching, that's what I wrote about. Just having a teacher care about student's rather than test scores or assessments are the teachers who make the most impact to students. You will be one of those teachers students will not forget.

  4. Your passion for the students is very refreshing. I think we are all in agreement that when the day is over, we are all doing it for the students. Keep up the good attitude and good luck with your student!
